Case Studies

Three little stories of success and perserverance

Discover here some glimpse of what we have achieved so far

If the peace of mind of the companies that trust us were measurable, that would certainly be our favorite KPI.

In the absence of that, here we share the most common indicators of three projects that we’ve been excited about over the years.

We do not provide sensitive data as we know that our clients’ privacy is part of their peace of mind.

Case Studies SEO Project


SEO Campaign in a Regulated Sector



DACH (Germany, Austria and Switzerland)

2 years (in progress)


+37% in 2022

Gaining visibility while respecting very strict regulations

The CBD sector, like many other areas (pharmaceuticals, banking, gaming, etc.) is subject to regulations that may prevent traditional advertising campaigns as well as some online marketing actions (SEM). Resources to improve online reputation and gain visibility are very limited. Our SEO campaigns, based on Do Follow or No Follow links, have managed to improve the positioning of the most strategic keywords of our client, a leader in the online sale of CBD-derived products.

The Challenge

To improve keywords through links. Being a regulated sector, all the action was focused on sponsored articles, with Do Follow and No follow links.

The aim was to improve the online reputation, as well as to achieve greater visibility of the brand and to consolidate the positioning of the most important money keywords.

The Results

Total number of articles published: 436 in two years

Monthly traffic: 117k (37% increase during 2022)

Title Tag Your International SEO Agency Case Studies
Title Tag Your International SEO Agency Case Studies

DA: from 40 to 51 in a year

DA from 40 to 51 in a year | Title Tag Your International SEO Agency


Hybrid Multichannel Campaign


SEO and Branded Content

Spain, France, UK and USA

18 months

Less than 100


Linkbuilding with Branded Content Quality

Our client is a Spanish startup that offers ticketing services: it sells memorable experiences in big cities (New York, Rome, Paris, etc.). Since its beginning, it had to compete with other specialised brands as well as with generalists offering other “Travel” products.

We helped to boost visibility indicators in a highly aggressive environment that was unaware of our clients’ brand.

We put linkbuilding at the service of branding, with premium content published in high quality media and a mix of impact tools, including banners. In a short time, our favourite ticketing brand became well known in different geographic areas.

The Challenge

To increase the Organic Traffic 


Visibility Index multiplied by 15 in 18 months

Massive Increase in Visibility Index - Title Tag Your International SEO Agency

Almost 10% of the client’s urls rank on the first page of Google. It doubled in 18 months.

Increase on urls ranked in the first page of Google - Title Tag Your International SEO Agency


Negative Results in SERP Optimization Campaign




12 months



A clever strategy to promote positive contents

Every company can face a reputational crisis that may damage it more than it deserves for its mistakes. Small mistakes can be mignified by social media, blogs and the dynamics of online communication in general.

Our client, an association, needed to generate content that would help them turn the page and requested a campaign to improve the SERPs.

We achieved this through a linkbuilding strategy, structured in two levels of publications, which turned out to be much more effective than previous attempts to amend negative content.

Title Tag Your International SEO Agency SERP Optimization