Report on consumer trends of internet users in Germany for the upcoming Black Friday

Black Friday is one of the most important shopping times of the year in Germany. In 2023 is expected a total spending of up to 12 billion euros, this would meen an increase of 5% compared to the previous year.

Consumer trends

The main consumption trends of internet users in Germany for the upcoming Black Friday are the following:

E-commerce growth: E-commerce will continue to grow in Germany, reaching a market share of 25% in 2023.

E-commerce growth is driven by two factors: the increase in purchases through smartphones and the encrease in consumer confidence in e-commerce.

Rising demand for technology products

It should be noted that technology products will be the most in demand, smartphones, laptops and televisions. However, other sectors are also benefiting from the increase in German consumer spending during this dates, such as cosmetics, beauty, decoration and fashion. In general, all B2C sectors see this period as a time to achieve a high turnover of their products.

It is important to mention as well that German consumers are increasingly interested in sustainable products and their traceability conditions.

This is due to the growing awareness of climate change and sustainability.

Recommendations to strengthen sales in e-commerce

E-commerce companies that want to take advantage of Black Friday to increase their sales should take into account the following recommendations:

Promote offers in advance: German consumers start to plan their Black Friday shopping in advance. So retailers should also promote their offers in advance to generate awareness.

It is important to offer different types of a wide range of products: German consumers are looking for a wide range of products at attractive prices.

German consumer habits

The most common shopping process for online consumers for Black Friday in Germany is as follows:

1. Planning: German consumers start planning their Black Friday shopping earlier than other European markets. This means that they start researching the products they want to buy well in advance. This way they can compare specific offers during the promotion period.

2. Price comparison: The German user is much more accustomed than other consumers to comparing rates and conditions. Although the price is a determining factor, for the German consumer, good service is a factor that may be even more important than price.

3. Shopping: German consumers often do their Black Friday shopping online. This allows them to take advantage of retailers’ offers without having to leave home.

Segment that spends the most: The segment that spends the most on Black Friday in Germany are consumers aged between 25 and 34. This segment represents 30% of total spending.

Purchase time: German consumers tend to shop on Black Friday during the first two days of the discount period.

Other relevant data

70% of German consumers use their smartphone to shop on Black Friday.

In addition, 50% of German consumers use coupons or discount codes to save money on their Black Friday shopping. And 40% of them buy products from international brands. 

This data is very relevant for retailers who want to take advantage of Black Friday to increase their sales. By understanding the behavior and preferences of German consumers, retailers can create more effective marketing and sales strategies.
